
Sends locations of all online players to the CAD.

This plugin utilizes API endpoints that require the standard version of Sonoran CAD or higher. For more information, view our pricing page.

Looking for VPS, web, or dedicated hosting? Check out our official server hosting!

Installation Video

Click to view our locations and postal install video.

Be sure you have already installed our plugin framework!

Installation Guide

1. Download and Install the Framework

If you haven't already, be sure to install and configure the plugin framework first.

2. Download the Plugin

  1. Click HERE to download the locations plugin .zip file.

3. Install the Plugin

  1. Follow the standard plugin installation guide for the locations plugin.

4. Set Your API ID

Don't forget to set your account API ID to properly link your in-game user to the CAD.

Further Configuration



Default Value


How frequently to send location updates to the server.

5000 ms (5 seconds)


Prefixes postal to locations (like [111] Some Road). Requires Postals plugin.



Automated Functionality

This plugin requires no configuration by default and will send locations of all active players. This can be seen by dispatch or other panels.


This function can only be used by other plugins and is not exported.

function findPlayerLocation(source) -- returns location as a string

Last updated