
Implements the Wraith ARS 2X plate reader for automated plate reading.

This submodule utilizes API endpoints that require the Plus version of SonoranCAD or higher. For more information, view our pricing page.

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This submodule is for sending plate reads to other submodules.

Showcase Video

View our WraithV2 showcase video!

Activation Guide

1. Download and Install the Core

If you haven't already, be sure to install and configure the SonoranCAD Core first.

2. Activate the Submodule and all Dependencies

Follow the submodule activation guide for the required submodules.

  1. Ensure the third-party pNotify addon is installed.

3. Configuration

In the config_wraithv2.luafile, set isPluginEnabled in the to true.

Config Option



use vehicle registration expirations, or not


use middle initials?


alert if no registration was found on scan?


Custom record field UID containing the status


Custom record field UID containing the expiration date


List of statuses to flag/alert on


List of Classes that will NOT get ran through CAD


Time in MS, for how long each alert type will last via pNotify

4. Custom Record Handling

The in-game radar can alert you about expired registrations, BOLOs, warrants, and more:

Alert on Vehicle Status (Expired, Stolen, etc.)

When a vehicle is scanned by your radar, you can be notified if the vehicle registration status is inactive, expired, etc.

1. Get the Status field ID

In the custom record configuration panel, copy the field ID for your vehicle registration's status field. Typically this would be a dropdown (or "select") type field with options like "Active", "Pending", "Expired", etc.

2. Set the Field ID in your Config

Ensure the statusUid configuration value matches your status field ID from the custom record.

If your vehicle registration record has an expiration date value in it, be sure to set the expiresUid value to its field ID and set useExpires to true. This will display the registration expiration date in the notifications.

3. Set Status Flag Options

Customize the flagOnStatuses list to configure which vehicle registration statuses your radar will alter you on.

If the vehicle registration's status field (the record field ID that matches your statusUid) matches one of the flagOnStatuses values, your in-game radar will alert you.

Alert on BOLO or Warrant

When a vehicle is scanned by your radar, you can be notified of any active warrant or BOLO record with that license plate on it.

1. Ensure your Warrant or BOLO Record has a Status Field

In order for the radar to determine if the warrant or BOLO record is active, ensure your custom record has a status type field on it.

2. Ensure your Warrant or BOLO Record has a Plate Field

In order to match the vehicle plate with a record, ensure your custom record has a field with the field ID set to plate.

3. Receive In-Game Alerts

Your radar will alter you when a scanned vehicle matches:

  • A Warrant or BOLO record with the status type field of ACTIVE

  • A license plate matching the plate field ID of one of those active records

5. Set Your API ID

In order to have locked plate lookup results sent back to your CAD, don't forget to set your account API ID.


For more information on using the in-game UI, please view the Sonoran version of the Wraith ARS 2X release information. Results are sent directly to your CAD when a license plate is locked.

Sonoran wk_wars2x

Additional Features

  • Added the ability to blacklist certain vehicle classes via the config.lua, these blacklisted vehicles will show on the plate reader as the CONFIG.noPlateValue value (default: "NO PLATE").

  • Added the feature CONFIG.realisticPlateScanning. This feature is disabled by default due to certain vehicles having incorrect metadata causing this feature to display CONFIG.noPlateValue falsely. Behavior when enabled: when you are traveling toward/away from a vehicle that does not have a front/back plate the plate reader will not be able to scan it and will display the CONFIG.noPlateValue value.

  • Added custom sounds when a BOLO, Warrant or unregistered vehicle plate is scanned.

Realistic Plate Scanning

Set CONFIG.realisticPlateScanning to true to enable only scanning vehicles with the ALPR when they have a plate.

Note: Some vehicles may show a plate due to missing vehicle metadata or being able to remove the plate with extras.

Custom Alert Tones

Custom tones will now play when you scan a plate that is has either a BOLO, Warrant or is unregistered. These tones can be customized by replacing the existing files in the /sonorancad/submodules/wraithv2/sfx folder with your own. Please note the files names need to be the same as the ones you are replacing


AI Cars are Spamming the Reader

The framework ships with the wk_wars2x plate reader included. This will have the config.use_sonorancad set to true. When enabled, the plate reader will not run a lookup on any AI vehicle.

Vehicles Aren't Being Flagged


Keep in mind that AI vehicles won't display or be ran unless there's a vehicle registration record added to the CAD with that plate.

Ensure that you've correctly followed step 5 and the statusUid and expirationUid fields have been set correctly, both in the CAD record template and the submodule config.

Ensure that the flagOnStatuses array has the exact string/text values that match the options in your custom record template.

BOLO and Warrant

Ensure that your custom BOLO and Warrant records have a field with the type set to status. Otherwise, there's no way to determine if the BOLO/Warrant is active, closed, etc. The plate reader will warn of any active BOLO or Warrant records with the vehicle plate attached and the status type field set to active/open.

Error: attempt to index a nil value (local 'vehicle')

Some servers will see this error in their server console:

sv_wraithv2.lua:112 - attempt to index a nil value (local 'vehicle')

To fix this, navigate to your [sonorancad]/wk_wars2x folder, and rename config.dist.lua to just config.lua

The config not being renamed is the most common cause of this error, however, if for some reason that doesn't fix it, feel free to open a support ticket with us.

Last updated

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